House votes to table resolution to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson (2024)

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13 hr 24 min ago

House votes to table resolution to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson

FromClare Foran, Kristin Wilson and HaleyTalbot

House votes to table resolution to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson (1)

The House has voted to table — or kill — the resolution to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson. That means the speaker will keep his job.

The vote on a motion to table succeeded with the help of Democrats, sparing Johnson from losing the speakership. The vote was359 to 43.

196Republicans voted to table and11Republicans voted against tabling, including:

  • GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
  • GOP Rep. Thomas Massie
  • GOP Rep. Warren Davidson
  • GOP Rep. Barry Moore

163Democrats voted to table and 32 Democrats voted against.

The post was updated with the vote count.

13 hr 39 min ago

House voting now to kill Greene motion to oust speaker

FromCNN's Clare Foran, Kristin Wilson and HaleyTalbot

The House is voting now to table – or kill – Marjorie Taylor Greene’s resolution to oust Speaker Mike Johnson from his leadership post.

This vote is expected to succeed with the help of Democrats, sparing Johnson from losing the speakership. It requires a simple majority to succeed.

13 hr 37 min ago

Lawmakers boo Marjorie Taylor Greene when she introduced motion to vacate

House votes to table resolution to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson (2)

Members of the House on both sides of the aisle booed GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene when she announced that she was introducing a motion to remove Speaker Mike Johnson.

She paused at the chorus of boos and looked around at the other members in the chamber.

"This is the uniparty for the American people watching," she said, pointing in the air.

Some context: In the wake of Johnson’s push to pass a major foreign aid package over the objections of hardline conservatives, House Democratic leadership announced that Democrats would help Johnson keep his job by voting to table if the issue arose.

13 hr 51 min ago

House will vote today to kill effort to oust Johnson, sources say

From CNN's Lauren Fox and Melanie Zanona

The House will vote to table — or kill — the motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson Wednesday evening, according to two leadership sources.

GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called up the resolution.

House leadership has two days to move on the motion, but members will vote on an effort to kill it today, the sources say.

13 hr 54 min ago

GOP leadership caught off guard by Greene

From CNN's Annie Grayer, Melanie Zanona and Lauren Fox

House Republicans were completely caught off guard by GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's decision to trigger her motion to vacate against House Speaker Mike Johnson, multiple Republican sources told CNN.

House GOP leadership did not see this coming and thought that after the two productive meetings between Johnson and Greene that there was at least more time before any next steps were taken, the sources added.

"I was shocked," GOP Rep. Austin Scott of Georgia told CNN.
13 hr 35 min ago

Key things to know about GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's threat against Johnson

From CNN's Clare Foranand Haley Talbot

House votes to table resolution to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson (3)

House Speaker Mike Johnson is expected to confront a vote over his ouster, a pivotal moment that presents a major leadership test for the Louisiana Republican even though he is expected to prevail.

House Democratic leaders have said that Democratswill vote to kill the effortled by GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, effectively ensuring Johnson won’t lose his job.

A failed vote will give Johnson an opportunity to argue that it is time to move on from the issue. But support from Democrats will open Johnson up to even more criticism from his right flank.

It’s not yet clear how many Republicans will vote against Johnson – the higher the number, the more of a blow it could prove to be to the speaker’s standing within the House GOP conference.

Greene has saidshe will force a votein the coming days, escalating pressure on Johnson and setting up a major showdown on the House floor. Even if the vote fails, as expected, it still threatens to intensify divisions among House Republicans, who control a razor-thin majority.

Many Republicans oppose the push to oust Johnson and do not want to see the conference devolve into bitter infighting like it did after former Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted in a historic and unprecedented vote last year.

Read more about the ouster threat here.

13 hr 40 min ago

Marjorie Taylor Greene has triggered a motion to vacate. Here's what that means

From CNN's Clare Foran and Kaanita Iyer

Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has triggered a motion to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson — a process that led to Kevin McCarthy's ouster from the leadership post just a few months ago.

What is a motion to vacate? It is a resolution to remove the speaker by declaring the speakership to be vacant. It was a rarely used procedural until McCarthy's removal in October but Johnson has faced increasing threats over its use in the last few months.

How does an effort to oust the speaker unfold? Any member can file a House resolution to remove the speaker, as Greene did. According to House precedent, the resolution is considered to be privileged, a designation that gives it priority over other issues. Following Greene's move today, the speaker is required to put the resolution on the legislative schedule within two legislative days.

How many votes are needed? A vote on the resolution to remove the speaker would require a majority vote to succeed and oust the speaker from their leadership post.

Remember: Republicans hold a razor-thin majority in the House and with a few hardliners within the party against Johnson, he would need the support of Democrats to keep his position.

14 hr 3 min ago

Marjorie Taylor Greene begins effort to remove House speaker

From CNN's Clare Foran, Kristin Wilson, Annie Grayer and HaleyTalbot

House votes to table resolution to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson (4)

GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greenecalled up a resolution to remove Republican Speaker Mike Johnson on the House floor Wednesday evening, a move that starts the clock to force a vote over ousting the Louisiana Republican from his leadership post. It's a major challenge to the speaker even though he is expected to prevail with help from Democrats.

Now that Greene has put the process in motion, the House will have to consider the issue within two legislative days. House GOP leaders are expected to quickly take up and move to kill Greene’s motion, which could happen as soon as today.

A floor vote to oust Johnson would require a majority to succeed, but a motion to table — or kill — the resolution is expected to be offered and voted on first.

In the wake of Johnson’s push to pass a major foreign aid package over the objections of hardline conservatives, House Democratic leadership announced that Democrats would help Johnson keep his job by voting to table if the issue arose.

A failed vote will give Johnson an opportunity to argue that it is time to move on from the issue. But support from Democrats will open Johnson up to even more criticism from his right flank.

Two other Republicans are publicly supporting Greene’s motion to vacate: GOP Reps. Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Paul Gosar of Arizona.

14 hr 4 min ago

Republicans have voiced concerns over empowering Greene

From CNN's Haley Talbot,Clare Foran, Morgan Rimmer andLauren Fox

Many Republicans oppose the push to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson, not wanting to see the conference devolve into bitter infighting like it did after former Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted in a historic and unprecedented vote last year.

Some Republican House members voiced concerns Tuesday about empowering Greene any further by giving into any demands.

“I think if you negotiate with two members who want something, you are going to lose 30 members of the conference who want something else and I think he knows that,” Rep. Kelly Armstrong, a North Dakota Republican, said. “I would always hesitate to agree to anything when you know the goal posts are going to move within five minutes.”

Rep. Carlos Gimenez, a Florida Republican, said, “I don’t deal with terrorists.”

“I don’t deal with people who are threatening me. Never have, Never will,” Gimenez said. “If I don’t, I don’t think he should either.”

Buta narrow majorityhas given Johnson few options in this moment as the speaker wants to avoid the spectacle on the floor months ahead of the election.

“The speaker is dealing in practical arts here not philosophical ones, so I am going to stand by him in his decisions,” said Rep. John Duarte, a California Republican. “I think it is utterly regrettable that these very small minority of members are putting the speaker in this very difficult spot at a time when we should be focusing on the things that matter to the American people.”

House votes to table resolution to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson (2024)
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