The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY DECEMBER 27 Jit Read Headings 8 and 9 for Employment Household Articles Lrrerteck 35 Dogu ath Pets as affo The Canoes and Boats Building Materials 20 re ft Men Wanted Steel Trade Review 29 Clothing and ootwear meaning of these you for ever and lisped Bruno 23 eed Coal and Wood 11 Miscellaneous or Sale New York Produce Market Resolutions in honor of the 33 Builders and Contractors 25 Machinery anti Tools 9 NEW YORK MEDICAL PROBE Cattle Hogs and Sheep Household Articles WANT ADS 11 Agents Wanted 46 Insurance STARTHERE Dry Goods Auto Driving MINERS STAY AWAY Lost and ound ATHER DRUNK SPOILS CHRISTMAS OR AMILY the 194 PHONE RIVER III 50 Mail Orders Accepted hu the fuel and 86 collieries here are idle cutting pro duction of 20 per cent or normal ull rerumption is expected tomorrow Book Charge 50c Space 2 lines start in either The or Daily News STRATTON TO HEAD SAVINGS INSTITUTION CAMPBELL DEEATED AS BANK PRESIDENT COSTOUVING 20 PER CENT LESS tons and the pig iron make a record at over 40 million DO YOU KNOW THAT WE DO THE BEST URNITURE RE1N1SH1NG REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING CITY URHOLSTERING CO 1'6 WILBRAHAM RD WAL 5465 16 1 'MONEY and BUSINESS New York Dec 26 The police de partment in connection with the in vestigation of alleged medical quacks in thsl city tonight began a complete census of practitioners of every de scription using the title of doctor or the degree with their names The lists will be checked against li cense records and those found to be illegitimately practicing will be prose cuted it was said to scatter them WOOD In perfect shape River 2332 ORMER OICIAL CLUBBED weight pig good 223 to tBlliLAlVU over 12J rwv InLa alAftdv tterPiniR nhet and feeding lambs around bulk good and choice fat wooled ixy in ran 19 fui rir nod lambs light and handywelght tat owes i lomh around 50 rrioivtr irrumR 1223 Complete sets extra loud speakers Get our prices first Springfield Radio Co Thone River 2776 223 Main St Buffalo Dec 26 The Lafay ette National bank will be merged with the Buffalo Trust company giv ing the trust company resources jf $10000000 an announcement today says SEVENTH DAY' ADVENTISTS EMPLOYES GET $150000 BUILDINGS AS REWARD Each of 1 0 Given Start ward Wealth or Loyally Serving Employer Chicago Dec 26 Louis Guyon today announced that as a reward for their financial support and co opera tion seven years ago he was provid ing to independence and wealth for each of 10 of his employes Ground is being broken for the first five ot a series of 10 30 apartment buildings each to cost $150000 each of which will be turned over to one of the 10 employes after three years of study of management under his guid ance Each of the buildings is ex pected to produce an annual income of $2 000 Guvon told how seven years when he was financially the 10 employes pooled their savings and turned the money over to nun tide turned in his favor and he today Is the owner of some 50 apartment buildings The only stipulation Is that the new apartment owners shall not profiteer on rents Votes to Pay Not More Than $100000 or North Caro lina Property Adams Dec 26 Stockholders of the Renfrew Manufacturing company at a meeting in the offices here this morning voted to buy the assets of the Brancord Manufacturing company at Concord at a pur chase price not to exceed $100000 b'or three years the Renfrew com pany has taken the North Carolina entire output of yarn The capital stock of the Renfrew company was increased from $1600000 to $1 700000 by Issuing 1000 common stock shares to provide capital for the deal 6 CAMEO Large lost Tuesday afternoon between Hollywood St and White St River PAINTING DECORATING Cut prices on all work Realty Repa! and Construction Co 10 Cross St 7461 COAL DECLARES 3R CENT EXTRA DIVIDEND New York Dec 26 The Delaware "Lackawanna Western Coal companytoday declared an extra dividend of 6 per cent In addition to the regular quarterly dividend of 2 per cent Both are payable January 15 Thq Detroit Motor Bus company which three months ago paid a stock dividend of 20 per cent and an extra dividend of 1 per cent in cash nounced today it would pay another extra dividend of 1 per cent on Janu ary 16 At the same time the regu lar quarterly dividend of 2 per cent tv ill be paid NEW YORK EVENING POST INCORPORATED UNDER CURTIS Albany Dec The New York Evening Post Inc recently bought by Cyrus Curtis and his associates was incorporated at the office of the secretary of state today There 'ire 20000 shares of 6 per cent preferred stock with par value of $100 a share and 10000 shares of common stock no value stated The directors named in the incorporation certificate sre Cyrus Curtis John Mar tin Davie Smiley and Charles A Tyler of Philadelphia and Hugh Burke of New York Martin and Burke are the only stockholders named each holding 10 shares idea of price firmness has to semifinished steel first contracts inrerolling billets STORAGE Willard 2 volt A $250 Willard 24 volt $1110: Willard battery charger $2: Gould Unipower battery (battery and charger combined) $47: 80 A 6 volt $18 Car lisle Hdwe Co Judge Rebukes Man Who Tore Down Tree Christmas Eve Holyoke Dec 26 Judge Jolin Hil dreth delivered from the district court bench a scathing rebuke to George Giguere of 88 Park street who tore down a Christmas tree Christmas eve ning that his wife had erected for the children you spoiled Christmas for the whole family" re marked the judge sternly taken the joy out of life The picture that you made of Christmas eve will last forever obliterate it record for all I would want my memory $15 and make John Wojtarcyk DRY KINDLING WOOD Cut right for stove clean and convenient can make prompt delivery now New England Box Co West Division 121 Lowell St West Springfield Tel River 3580 You can do nothing to I have your the world When I die my children to respect I am going to fine you you take the or xv vresveju street pleaded guilty to illegal liquor keeping and will be given a hearing the 28th our were fined $15 each Hazelton Pa Dec Anthracite miners continued to celebrate Christ mas today and as a result 26 of the Advanced to Presidency Harlow Teller Suc ceeds Him as Treasurer Northampton Dec 26 Edwin Stratton who has been treasurer of the Northampton Institution for Sav ings was elected president at the annual meeting of the bank today to' succeed the late Samuel Drury Ralph Harlow who has been tel ler was elected treasurer and other officers elected were the following: Clerk Walter Stevens vice presi dents Henry Tyler John Ly man trustees for three years Ar thur Bardwell of Hatfield John Lyman of Easthampton rank Smith of Hadley Thomas Mc Grath Raymond King Stephen Butler late president Mr Drury were adopt ed The amount of deposits has in creased by more than $500000 with in the last year and now total $9 019890 The amount of the guaranty fund is $444450 Washington Dec 26 The Seventh Day Adventist church raised $28620 315 for evangelistic and institutional work this year Rogers secre tary of the denomination said today In his annual report Missionary work is being carried on by church in 115 countries and in languages WEBSTER MILLS EXPAND York Dre 2f More Inquiry was re fer gray cotton goods and prices were after ths cotton markets advanced Rome further buying by ASHALT ROOING fire retarding beauti ful lasting never needs painting monthly payments Ask for estimate Kavrock Roofing Corp 27 Sanford St 6366 PRODUCTION MEAT LARGEST IN HISTORY Washington Dec 26 Production of meat this year was the greatest in history exceeding last fig ures by 1500000000 pounds accord ing to estimates by the Institute of American Meat Packers A big jump In jerk production was largely responsible for the increase 10000 000 more hogs being bought by the packers than in 1922 Charles Herrick president of the institute said that wholesale meat prices were the lowest of a dcc nde or more Declines from peak prices he declared ranged from 20 per cent to' more than 70 per cent He placed the decline for pork l'lns at 71 per cent as compared with peak prices during the post war period SOUTHERN STATES OIL SUSPENDED ROM CURB New York Dec The Southern States Oil corporation trading in whose stock was ordered suspended on the New York curb market today will be able to pay oft its obligations to traders according to Haskell chairman of the board and former governor dt Oklahoma The suspension of trading in South ern States stock was closely followed by an announcement that the broker age firm of Richards Hutchison and company had failed It was reported in the street that the concern had carried much Southern States stock for customers WHAT HAVE YOU TO SWAP? An ad here will turn the deal for you Webster Dec The Webster mills bought today five tracts of land with the buildings situated thereon in Webster from the American Wool en company The sale price was 'about $236000 URNITURE AND PIANO MOVING ef every description Plano boxes for Bale nt them Ivers Express the oldest and best Estab 1871 Offices 44 PyaebOB St River 505 Res 2004 London Dec Today is a holi day on all exchanges here and in Liv erpool BUALO BANKS MERGE SCATTERS OATS IN NEWSPAPER OICE CUBAN RAIL STRIKERS REPLY TO GOMPERS Havana Cuba Dec 26 tatlves of the strikers on the Cuba railroad In reply to a request from the Pan American ederation of Labor announced today that they had wired Samuel Gompers president of the federation that the strike was called In an effort to enforce a de mand that all crews operating trains on the road be employes of the road Nntler a decree issued some years ago sugar mills are allowed to send out trains In care of their own crew and the operating crews of the railroad have objected to this The strike situation on the Cuba railroad remained unchanged today The sugar mills are operating their own trains over the line On the Northern Railways of Cuba whose shopmen and wharfmen are out an attempt was made today to burn a trestle on a branch line Troops and rural guards are patroling the two reads SINGS OPERA KNOWING THAT ATHER DEAD Chicago Dec 26 When the Chica go Civic Opera company sought er nand Ansseau to sign a contract he was persuaded with difficulty to come to America because he was compelled to leave his father and inseparable companion Alexander Ansseau in Brussels Tonight the uncommunicative fenor as prinvivalle captain of lorentine troops in the lyric drama with Claudia Muzlo in the title role attracted much attention At the close of the performance it was learned that he had been notified just before going on the stage that his father had died WALT I YOU DESIRE TO SAVE 20 TO 30 Hike to the rear of the Telephone Bldg ALBERT HALE CO Wholesale and Retail Wall Paper Varnishes and Paints and 13 Stearns Sq River 3630 Springfield Mass Mercliandise at the Stores 30 New York Dec 26 The Iron Age in its weekly review of the iron and steel trade will say tomorrow: urther buying broad in scope if not great in quantity marked the week Sales usually were not at ex pense of prices but indications still are that b'xfers see no protection in contracts and cover only for closely estimated requirements Steel making output may taper off in the remainder of the year as num bers of rolling mills taking advantage of the satisfied demand for immediate deliveries ar employing a part or all of the holiday period to make repairs At that the production of steel ingots for 1923 eems likely to exceed 43 million will be tons The spread quarter at the $10 Pittsburg price being re ported One Middle Western sheet bar producer has so heavily booked for the quarter that it hasm withdrawn from the market Some of the sheet bar business provides for prices ob taining at the time of shipment orging billets alone seem not defi nitely strong at $45 because obtain able from more mills than usual Sheet buying has been notably heavy December orders of independ ent makers are estimated in excess of 300000 tons but it not yet clear that price shading has disappeared The appearance of inquiries for a considerable tonnage of pig iron from speculative sources Including 10000 tons understood to come from New York banking interests Is accepted as evidence of belief that prices have touched bottom Some pig iron bought recently by brokers is being sold at concessions and a sale of 10 00 tons of basic by a steel company in Western Pennsylvania was made below recent Valley quotations but for the most part prices are firm and deliveries are going forward satisfac torily No change has occurred for several weeks in either of the Iron Age com posite prices the pig iron composite standing at $2183 while finished steel is 2775c per pound One year ago pig iron was $2579 and finished steel 2439c NEW YORK STATE COSTS $179489401 Albany Dec The de partmental estimate of cost of tun ning New York state in the fiscal year 1924 25 reaches a total of $179 48940166 an increase of $230951X208 over the legislative appropriations and an increase of $2026841404 over the financial requests of a year ago ac cording to final tabulation of the leg islative budget committee made public today Rome Dec 26 Giovanni Amendola former minister of the colonies and former minister of war was attacked today by six unidentified persons who alighted from a taxi cab and sur rounded him in the' street Signor Amendola was belabored with clubs until he fell bleeding to the sidewalk He wis removed to a hospital where It was declared that his injuries were not serious and later he returned to his home RENREW COMPANY TO BUY YARN MILLS New York Dec 26 Butter Steady: re ceipts 92M creamery extras (92 score) 55 Eggs irm: receipts 12361 state near by and nearby western hennery whites firsts to extras 46T53: refrigerator firsts potatoes irm: Long Island In bulk per IRn lbs Maine 3250305 Dull New York per ton white Danish 2oi(25 red 3040 Long Island per head 30 8c Dull Canadian $185 I New York exiort in bond Spot firm No 1 dark northern spring Lt track New York domestic $134 No 2 red winter do 124 No hard winter No 1 Manitoba do 1 22 and No 2 mixed durum do 110 Spot steady No 2 New York rail 87i: 2 white do 88 and No 2 mixed do 87 Oats Spot steadier No 2 white 54 Vic Barely steady mess 2 6 Lard Easy Middle West 13Jifi 1335 Cottonseed Barely steady prime crude f50 nominal prime summer yellow spot 10 80 bld January closed 10 IM) March II od May 1170 all bld Other artlHes unchanged Raw sugar was quiet but firm Spot Cubes arc quoted at 5c cost and freight equal ti 741c for centrifugal At the close the following sales were reported: bags ef Cuban first half of January loading at 28c and 5000 bags at 72 Raw sirar futures were higher on covering prompted hr the continued unfavorable labor condl Tons In Cuba and the steadiness of the spot market Opening 3 to 4 points higher Hires worked 7 to 9 points above the previous close but reacted several points In tnc late trading under realizing rriecs were 5 to points net hlghen Janu ary closed 539c March 470 May 4i July There was a little better Inquiry reported Rr refined auger but no change In quota tlcns ine granulated is quoted at 80U to fePnc Refined futures nominal The market for coffee futures was rather regular today owing to the issuance of December notlres estimated at about begs They caused scattering near nionth liquidation but after opening 10 points lower to 8 points higher the market ruled wn eially firm on covering December rallied from 1024 to 1032c while some of the later months made new high prices for the sea son with March advancing to 9i'c and Sep tember to RtiVc Closing prices were within a few points of the best being net fi points 1 lower to 17 points higher Sales were estl ated at about 20000 bags Including ex 4 changes December 1032c March Stll May i 04 July 8 63 September and October 8l3 December 1924 847 Spot coffee was oulet but steady and nominally unchanged to 10c tor Rio A CHOICE SELECTION ot chi 1 ren clothes in stock and to order Woman Exchange 33 Harrison Ave BUSCALL Est 180(1 efficient nurses pleasant surroundings moderate rates 235 Pine St Springfield River 6838 COZY COTTAGE HOM Invalids chronic and nervous cases est 1915 86 Lawnwood Ave Longmeadow Tel Wai 1232 Shepard Jr Succeeds Head of Co operative Bank or I 5 Years Westfield Dec 26 Sumner Campbell who has been president for 15 years was defeated for the office by George Shepard Jr who has been vice president for 12 years at the annual meeting and organization of the incorporators of the Westfield Co operative bank tonight This ac tion was forecast when at the annual election of the incorporators recently Campbell failed of re election to the board of directors The action prac tically assures activity in the bank's affairs by younger officials Other officers elected are: Vice president Eagon treasurer James Clark security committee George Shepard Jr James Clark and Arthur Norton TEACHERS wanted grades and for Jan 3 and mid year salaries $1200 to $1800 Am Agency 81G Myrlck Bldg City CITY AIDED 1678 POOR IN 1923 REPORT SAYS Total Expense Was $6895 1 Mother Aid und Helpeo 1 25 Holyoke Dec 26 The annual re port ot the overseers of the poor was submitted to Mayor Cronin this morn ing The report shows that 1678 people representing 432 families were I aided during the year representing an I expense of $6895111 The number receiving aid through the Mother Aid fund was 125 representing 32 fam ilies at an expense of $22500 The appropriation for the year was $80 000 and an additional appropriation of $4197 was required to care for the needy during the year Supplementing the report of the overseers of the poor is the report of John O'Connor in charge of the city farm He reports 264 inmatex ot which 150 were admitted during the year There are 132 hospital cases During the year 30 sick children were admitted and all but two discharged as cured Recommendation is made that the city farm building be painted that a sun room or veranda be erect ed and that storage be provided for the crops of the farm which last year yielded $16000 a figure much in cess of what has been heretofore ported NEW STOCK of registered pedigreed Bos ton bull terriers $15 each River 494 rUVP'ES 2 Spitz puppies 6 weeks old beauties wonderful Christmas PreseJL 17 Eddywood Ave eft Sumner Ave Tel River 1078 POMERANIAN PUPPIES 2 handsome males price reasonable Stahl 9b Whittier St River Sell Madison shirts direct from our factory to wearer no capital or experience required: easily sold big profits WHte for free samples Madi son Mills 5113 Broadway BOND SALESMAN WHO IS MORE THAN A SALES MAN WHO HAS A BROAD KNOWLEDGE BONDS AS SUCH AS WELL AS AN ESTABLISHED CLIENTELE WE DO NOT WE DO NOT STAGE TO UNLOAD THE SECURITIES ANY PARTICULAR ENTERPRISE WE DO OER VARIOUS SORTS HIGH GRADE SECURITIES ITTED TO VARIOUS NEEDS DIERENT INVESTORS WE WANT A MAN WHO IS BIG ENOUGH TO BE A SORT A ONE MAN CONSULTING INVEST MENT SERVICE TO SUCH A MAN WE OER AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY HE SHOULD BE CAPABLE SELL ING TO OTHER AS WELL AS TO THE INDIVIDUAL INVESTOR SUCH A MAN WILL HAVE A BROAD LIST WELL SEA SONED SECURITIES DESIGNED TO EMBRACE ABOUT EVERY TYPE CONSERVATIVE IN VESTMENT AND THE THOROUGH BACKING A WELL KNOWN BOND HOUSE LONG EXPERI ENCE IN SERVING THE INVEST MENT NEEDS NEW ENGLAND SAT ARY AND COMMISSION: TER RITORY SPRINGIELD AND THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY AP PLY BY LETTER ONLY 12014 CARE BARBER ADV AGENCY 1159 LITTLE BLDG BOSTON Chicago Dec 2l Cattle Receipts steers closing largely 23 lower: top vearllngs 1175: best matured steers 11 bulk fat steers S25fTW she stock 10 to 25 higher: fi bulls 1'1 to 15 Up: vealers largely 50 higher: bulk desirable handyweights veal calves topackers 101025 light kind 50 Receipts 3ROUO in to 15e higher: bulk desirable weighty butchers early 20 25 top 735 190 to 225 pound average 111 fl7n0 150 to 175 pound average 19O bulk 'desirable packing sows pound butchers late 7q715 over ix Receipt tn at rone taadv' I a OH 11 501235 full native 10 odd lots vVv A owe A in 3owi i 725 50 rom June 1920 High to September 1923 Shown in Labor Bureau Report Washington 26 The cost of living was one fifth less In Septemberthis year than it was in June whtn the highest point in living costs since 1913 was reached A decrease Of 205 per cent in the total cost ot Jiving in tho United States as deter mined by a consolidation of the fig uiti for 82 specified cities Is shown in an announcement issued today by the bureau of labor statistics The cost of living however was almost three quarters more than the 1913 average September costs show ing a 721 per cent increase over the prewar average In September a year ngo costs were 663 per cent above 'the 1913 average and at their lowest joint since December 1917 but De cember last year showed an Increase There was a slight decrease according tq March 1923 figures but since that time living costs have been rising slightly In the specified cities for which sta tistics are gathered by the bureau the percentage of decrease in tho 'tai cost of living from June 1920 to Sep tember 1923 was: Decreases for Cities Atlanta 21 per cent Baltimore 185 Birmingham 194 Boston Buffalo 195 Chicago 193 Cincin nati 206 Cleveland 183 Denver 194 Detroit 214 Houston 105Los Angeles 122 Memphis 176: Minneapolis 179 Mobile 229 New Orleans 159 New York 20 Norfolk Philadelphia 184 Pittsburg 18 Portland Me 201 Portland Or 22Richmond 189 St Louis 195 San rancisco 182 Savannah 255 Hqrsnton 179 Seattle 20 Washing ion 191 The September cost of living ex pcndltures as compared with the 1913 average show the following increases by Items: ood 493 per cent cloth ing 765 housing 644 fuel and lent 813 furniture and furnishing 1224 miscellaneous lUlL per cent In the total cost of living the reau apportions 382 per cent of total expenditures for food 166 clothing 134 for housing 53 for and lighting 51 for furniture furnishings and 213 per cent for mis cellaneous Netv ported 1 firmer msnuMeturlng Interest wn' reported en tire fnbrles and good for gi'llnny were unchanged In th higher St Yokohama and held firm In the local trade Jobbers arc doing a fair busl Aaas In cleanup line Hosiery BIG SHOE UNIONS TO CONSOLIDATE Haverhill Dec Preliminary plans for a consolidation ot the Shoe Protective union and the United Shoe Workers of America have been accepted by representatives of both organizations A joint conven tion is to be called soon to ratify this action which was taken at a con ference of the representatives of the two unions with their mutual counsel rederick Mansfield of Boston The Shoe Protective union has approximately 25000 members in Haverhill Lynn Newburyport and other Massachusetts cities The United Shoe Workers of America has about the same number employed in fac tories at St Louis Rochester Philadelphia Chicago Brooklyn and other cities LONDON MARKET HOLIDAY Bruno Aged 8 Thanks Christmas Benefactors in His Native Way Holyoke Dec 26 His name is Bru no he is eight years old and he brings faithfully each night to the workers of the press in the Marble building a Transcript of the latest model He comes silently and swiftly and stands in the door until some one catches sight of him he says and each night waits to be asked in The Office Lady acts as hostess and Bruno generally departs with more than the alloted two cents The day before Christmas the Boss of the newsboys who also bunks with the newspapermen took him ani be tight him a pair of shoes and stock ings He was so grateful that he talk This morning Bruno came to the office door Some one spoke to him that he did not know and he started back Then he came again and threw a handful of oats upon the floor sowing his wild oats rather remarked the Daily News man But the Office Lady captured him before he could make his escape Is the she asked will bless said Bruno told you told Thus Bruno showed his gratitude It appears that this is a custom ameng people of showing appreciation OUR SALESMEN are making big money selling blankets many of them averaging from $50 to $75 weekly Call and get our proposition Apply at Adams Co 210 Worthington St Mead Mgr REPRESENTATIVE An international bu reau of Information desires the services of an ambitious young man as representa tive for Springfield Must be familiar with correspondence ull to Mr Strange 618 Onondaga Syracuse DRUG AND ALCOHOL ADDICTS Comfortable hospital Treatment $75 Medical Director Marshall Smith 47 Merwin St Wai 6600 Springfield Mass MAPLE House for Invalids and elderly people 1656 Longmeadow St Longmeadow Tel Walnut 2695 RANGEVIEW SANITARIUM ormerly Nauheim 18th year new and Improved lo cation trained nurses chronic cases a specialty Dr Mary Sanderoon 34 North Prospect St Amherst Mass SALESMAN High grade salesman now earning $2500 to $5000 to sell nationally advertised mechanical equipment to the best class of people One salesman for Holyoke one salesman for Springfield Re plies strictly confidential Sales Manager Box 250 Republican Office De Paola 142 Main St North ampton Tel 944 THE NEWELL EMP Male stenog accountant: 3 experienced bookkeepers 104 State St Wanted also a hardener APPLY LABOR DEPT AMERICAN BOSCH MAGNETO CO SALESMAN wanted to sell preferred stock experience unnecessary steady position good salary Call mornings only before 10 a Ask for Mr VerVeer Pierce Co 305 Bridge St Exceptional opportunity bust lers earning big Write McCleery Calendar actory Washington la WIRE DRAWER One preferred with experience on fine copper I gfield Wire Tinsel Co 67 Taylor St OUR WANT AD RATES The Republican The Daily News I one Rnte WANT ADS ARRANGED TN ABC ORDER OR EASY READING Lowest Rates in the City 16e line per day forl DAY 14e Dtne per ony for 3 DAYS 12c line per day for 7 DAYS Contract rates upon request Count 6 words to a line 141 lines to an inch Minimum Minimum Ads may Republican Sunday rates the same as The Repuolican and Dally News com bined Closing time for The Repub lican is 9 for The Dally News 9 a Misclassification Not Allowed USE THE TELEPHONE ASK OR A WANT AD TAKER Or leave at our downtown office 377 Main Street Situations Wanted Women 13 TIght weekly cleaning V2 small houses Box 170 Republican Office WOMAN wishes work by the day Wai WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE Prices reasonable Wm Burgress 14 IsnfieW St Th mp sonvllte Ct Tel 22 3 Local and Private Instructors 15 A BUSINESS COURSE will bring your son or daughter dividends for life: new classes start Dec 31 further Information upon request 180 Chestnut St River 7810 Bay Rath Institute RENCH GERMAN LESSONS by Swiss 1 lady or Information call Walnut 4038 SPRINGIELD CONSERVATORY of Musk Inc All branches and theory all grades New York teachers 54 Byers St Rfv 3708 KINDS 26 MATTRESSES made over as good as new We call for and deliver Standard Mat tress Co 56 Harrison Ave Walnut 5288 MIRRORS manufactured resllvered glass for windshields etc Glass and Mirror Works 20 Congress St Rlv 8050 PARLOR 3 piece overstuffed tapes try latest design Dwight urni ture Co 157 State St Walnut 1240 New and used We have a few reconditioned ranges from $2950 up 234 Main SL RUGS OR New all kinds factory prices Douville 882 Chicopee St Wllllmansett Tel Holyoke RUGS actory prices Axminster Wilton Brussels Harold Moore Mill Agt 116 Pearl St Thompsonville Ct Tel 483 3 RUGS at less than half former prices Call write or 126 3 1 Garside mill agent 176 Pearl St Thompsonville Ct SEWING Expert repairing all makes reasonable charges: guaranteed Wc call and deliver White Sewing Mach Co 31 Harrison Ave Rivr 4M9 WINDOW SHADDS made to order 59c up sold retail only Call JaoO pfld Window Shade Mfg Co K2 Main St We carry marquisette and scrim curtains Good Things to Eat 24 RIBBON CANDY Home made 39c lb choice selection of chocolates Nuttie Goodie Shop 246 and 204 St BLUE CROSS COMMUNITY shoot dogs good homes are waltin lor them Telephone River 1137 BOSTON TERRIER 9 weeks old 5 males 1 female rich dark sealbrlndle screw tails blue ribbon stock a Christmas gift for the kiddles MU llns 150 Patton St UR NECK PIECE Dec 25 at Springfield College Return 68 Quincy St GLOVE Lost 1 finger mitten' between State and Main City and Ludlow via Indian Orchard Box 169 Republican Office STRING AMBER BEADS LOST Dee 25th between Albemarle SC and Westford Ave Call Wai 2504 TOY DOG OUND Owner may Jiave by proving property and paying for nd 27 Norman St River Situation Wanted Men 12 JANITOR Married man wants apartment block for the winter or steady Repairs of all kinds 1213 1 26 BATHROOM OUtit* for the home See them now and get our prices Lyon Co 47 Court St River 2396 ELECTRIC VACUUM Western Electric or Sweeper Vac also used clean ers free trial easy terms cleaners rent ed repaired Alderson 40 Arch 1315 Lost and ound co*ckER SPANIEL DOG male reddish brown lost near Avon Place Phone Wal 5495 DRY WOOD AND KINDLING sawed to order tand delivered Walnut St Woodyard Walnut 923 HARD MIXED and wood Carr 94 Slate St River 3592 HARDWOOD Dry slab kindling Prompt delivery Mulloy 6291 128 Walnut St KLEEN HEET OIL BURNERS will heat your house at expense of $13 cosl Inves tigate Bacon Taplln Co 59 Hillman St WOOD SAWING By power saw anytime a yw re Henry 5315 WOOD Hard $1450: mixed $1350 birch $1350 chestnut $1250 sawed and deliv ered Tel East Longmeadow 33 41 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Brlckwoik concrete carpentry Morrissey Stowell Co 137J4 State St River 170 HOUSE and garage building Always qual ity work at fair prices from Morin Bros 18 Denton Circle Wal 3307 MASON Builder and contractor garages built cement walks and plastering red Rlcardl 35 Watt St Tel Wal Dancing Teachers 16 ANCING studio private lessons any time pupils learn in few lessons Memorial Bldg State St River i8 Moving Trucking Baggage 47 EXPRESS and furniture mov ing lowest prices River 7556 36 Pa sa dena St DIAMOND Yes we are expert furniture movers and packers of house hold goods cut glass and china Walnut 5325 iXPRESS Dally Springfield te Indian Orchard and Ludlow or rates Tel 900 Orch 190 Davis Express mi auto DRIVING and repairing on ate model rars courses $10 up license nosi tlon Spfld Auto School 98 Dwight St DRIVING and Repairing Instruction ree booklet Laporte Auto School 94 Broadway BATH TUBS $165 SOUTH END HDWE CO 620 MAIN ST TEL WALNUT 6170 ORIENTAL GOODS Novelties china vases Mah Jongg sets etc Eastern Importing Co 258 Maih St (Next to LUBBER COATS for children black tan lined guaranteed waterproof practical gifts $450 Alling Rubber Co 261 Main TOYS Ai BRIDGE ST A MAN who is competent to make general repairs One with large family preferred Can have privilege of occupying one of our tenements This 1s a permanent position for a competent man Apply in person Hyland Co 151 Dwight St ALL MEN women boys girls 17 to 65 willing to accept government positions $117 $250 (traveling or stationary) write Mr Ozment 386 St Louis Mo immediately BOND OR SECURITY salesman with a clientele wanted for Springfield and ad joining cities very attractive proposition to man of good character 'Write for ap pointment Home Builders Mortgage Corp 29R Main St HOTKLS NEED TRAINED MEN Nation wide demand for high salaried executives: past experience unnecessary we train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere Write at once for particulars Lewis Hotel Training Schools Desk 5918 Washington INVESTIGATOR WANTED with car good pay steady position Call Thursday morning only before 10 Ask for Mr Bradway Pierce Co 30u Bridge St MAN WANTED A good counter meat man for rank Market 539 Main St MEN ive men for permanent position tak ing orders on regular routes: salarv $18 to start and average about $40 weekly after training 318 Main St Room 405 MEN WANTED A few live representatives to sell Spfld Kelly brushes direct to the consumer liberal commission and big bonus App ly all day 27 Dwight St EXTERMINATOR Rats mice roache bedbugs by contract or job 40 yrs experi ence Martin Maillard 38 Jefferson Axe River 8390 HAVE A NEW RUG made from your old carpet the cost is small Economy Bug Co 17 Taylor St River 743 MILLWRIGHT machinists trans and power Instaiation and maintenance Spfid Maintenance Co 47 Laurel Ave 529 BROADWAY riday matinee only Mar garet Stedman of Springfield Hospital wins tickets to see Eight Blue and other vaudeville acts STENOGRAPHER desires work Set your own price on work Call River 525 for Intem lew Business Services Rendered 40 ARE YOU ASHAMED ot your silverware? Have It roplated Enterprise Plating Co 49 Taylor St River 2036 COT ORING oxidizing lacquering polishing plating: sliver brass or copper Sprlng field Plating Works 17 Taylor St 5666 COLLETTE DOLL HOSPITAI Dolls nd doll repairing 25 Dwight St Dresses knitted goods shoes stockings etc Business and Office Equipment 21 BACK loor cases cash registers wall cases 524 High St Hol yoke Holyoke 1067 BUTCHER SUPPLIES Saws cleavers Ice boxes cases benches See our window display Schorer Store ix ture Co 179 Chestnut St River 4740 Supplies refrigerators meat display cases seconds and new Cushing Refrig Co 193 Chestnut St Wal 4918 COUNTER for sale Room 207 317 Main St DAYTON SCALE CO Makers of Davton scales meat sflcer bread slicer meat choppers etc Cruise 121 Lyman St Plumbing Heating Metal Work 45 COPPERSMITHING We are specialists In making and repairing ranee boilers Her CU les loat Wks 200 ranklin 5389 METAL CEILINGS furnaces roof and sheet metal work Elmer Wellman 447 Bel mont Ave River PLUMBING AND HEATING lobbing a ape clalty Andrew Laleur 71 Pomona St near the Tel Walnut 3232 DRESS SUITS tuxedos rented: clothing bought sold exch 373 Central 5216 HOSE silk and lisle stockings Latest styles and colors The Hosiery Shop over the Public Market RUBBERS sizes 214 to 6 a heavy strong substantial rubber with service heel construction for hard work Special price of 90c pair regular $115 Alling Rubber Co 261 Maln St UR COAT Black pony with raccoon col lar and cuffs: for half price Call Walnut 3644 after 6 BOSTON TERRIER PUPS that are real Bos ton selected registered stock Sure to win Will make nice pets 80 Walt St BOSTON TERRIERS AND RENCH BULLS Puppies and grown dogs for sale price reasonable Stahl 98 Whittier fit River 5559 DOG AND CAT Di SEASES AND DOGS AND CATS DR DOWLING 245 COLUMBUS AVE WAL 6175 Barbers Hairdressers Masseuse Sfl BEAUTY Beautiful 1st quality switches In all shades from $595 up Ruby Call Hartt 417 Main St RIDAY Mrs Myrtle Koonz 3 Osgood St Ins tickets for Jefferson showing Johnny MOLES Superfluous nalr warta ana Mein ishes permanently removed 4 auger 21 Bease Place Room 201 2954 ERMANENT WAVING Reasonable prices Let us give you a consultation 389 Main St Walnut 1494 SCHOOL of hair and beauty cul ture thorough course all branches Rm 622 Ct Sq Bldg 31 Elm St Rlv 6858 SPECIAL SCALP TREATMENTS or dandruff and falling hair A positive remedy Promotes hair growth for ipen and women: consultation free Alice Towne Specialist Room 622 Court Squire Bldg 31 Elm St River 6858 SPECIALISTS In shampooing manicuring etc A trial will convince Bcau ty Shop 25 Harrison Ave Walnut 6540 TOWNE'S SPECIAL SCALP TREATM or dandruff and falling hair A positive remedy Promotes hair growth for men and women consultation free Alice Towne Specialist Room 622 Court Square Bide 31 Elm St River 6858 CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repaired all kinds of roofs repaired Work guaranteed I estimates free A Richardson 128 Wal nut St 'Phone Walnut 6291 CONCRETE LOORS wants walla drive wave and garages or estimates call King 4 Co 205 Boston Rd Wal GARAGES Concrete blocks furnished and laid reinforced concrete work Hartter 49 Dorn St River 1B 11 Professional Service 42 ART1ICIAI EYES matched and fitted careful and courteous attention glvsn A Gordon Opticians 119 State St HAVE your pets mounted by Bassett Taxidermist 25 Nevada Ave City URNITURE built repaired and uphol stered Stratton Co 127 Marlboro St Call and deliver River 3530 URNITURE repairen and upholsteied Bought and sold Brightwood urtltnie Co 273M Main St River 2611 KI'ICHN in all sizes and makes from $ll up Kimball Second Hand ur niture Store 47 53 Main St Wal 21 18 JOHNNY at Jefferson red Reed 9 Osgood St wins for I rl day LIVING ROOM URNITURE consisting of davenport 3 chairs with new slip covers and ove rd rapes to match also 9x12 Axmin ster rug Walnut 2545 between 9 and 10 ft OR SALE 2 Western Electric induction motors 550 volts 30 1st class con dition Laundry South Hadley alls Mass GASOLINE PNEUMATIC WATER SYSTEM with 220 gal tank price reduced $5 daily till sold regular price $220 today $100 Bacon Taplin Co 59 Hillman St WOOD SAWING OUtit* $13L Bacon Taplin Co 59 Hillman St DOES your Hobart meat chopper need re pairing Work guar prices reasonable Hobart Mfg Co 179 Chestnut gt 4740 OR THE at the Springfield Office Supply Co 71 73 Worth I gton St west of the ostoffice MEAT CASES Hamburg grinder slicing machine and other store fixtures Bay State Store and Office ixture Co Sanford at Court St Tel Wal 5905 NATIONAL CASH New and second hand supplies and repairs Colegan Sales Agent 37 Worthington St OICE A full line just in at less than wholesale prices City Auction Co Corner East Court and Market Sts Tel Wal 7020 THE DAYTON "SCALE CO of 121 Lyman St will be located in new quarters 143 Chestnut St (opp Hotel Kimball) after January 1 CORONA AGENCY BOUGHT Springfield Typewriter Exchange Inc River 4851 315 Bridge St TYPEWRITERS (all maaes) sold rented and repaired rent 250 month $6 three months Lowest prices for multigraph ing Room 628 Myrlck Bldg 29 Worthineton St River 3483 COAL OR'GZS RANGES (used) taken as payment on new ranges" all sizes Metro poll tan urninture Co 538 Main St K)OI small farm for house lot and single or double house Owner Box 754 Republican Ol Ifcn I gold watches for old watches or jewelry Grimes Bookstore Bldg PLEASURE car or truck Swap for build ing lot or diamond Rlv G128 STEVENS 22 repeating rifle for radio gun or well bred young dog Tel ft ih TWO AM I 6 rooms on each floor steam heat electric and gas in per fect condition will exchange for auto mo bile 471 Worthington St WILL TRADE 2 House lots 56x1 each on Maple Rd Longmeadow for 2 famlly house or cottage Walnut 68M) $65 custom made suit size 36 2 pair trmis ers worn once swap for radio shot 8Un or bull terrier pup Box 164 Repub office CLARK HENRY' Insurance of all kinds surety bonds: prompt personal service ino Broadway Rlv 3339 or Wal 2584 IRE INSURANCE should be your firat thought for the protection of your home Marsh 423 Main St Walnut 303o 41O1LER SETTING urnace work of any kind Oscar Carlson Mason Contract tor and Builder 145 State St Rlv 50)3 CARPENTER Cabinet making and Jobbing expert on store fixtures estimates given Albert Archambault River CHIMNEYS fufnaces and boilers cleaned and repaired Anywhere within 25 miles of Spfld Sears Co 5 Grace St ASH Steel sold singly or In dozen lots Herlihy 102 Roseland St or GASOLINE 15c A We are the only distributors of this one grade straight run gasoline in this territory: 25 more mileage and power Rockrlmmon Oil Co Above the Bosch GOTDTNG JOBBER OR Size 10x15 nearly new also 1922 Port touring: easy payments Maynard Bulloch 11 Sherring ton Court MANLEY WRECKING CRANE for garage service will sell cheap Bennett 93 Hall St Walnut 6805 NEYV SERIAL Jefferson also Johnny Hines and Harry Carey riday Chas A Sears 5 Grace St riday's winner WALES adding machine in good condition low price for cash Music House 145 State St Room 201 Articles Wanted to Buy ANTIQUE household and office bought We pay a reasonable price It pays to call Dwight urniture Co 157 State St 'alnut 1240 BOOKS We buy ano sell second hand books Bargain Bookstore 77 Market St Main Street entrance through Bookstore DIAMONDS wanted top prices paid In cash Diamonds exchanged red Kalman 144 Main (next to Rood 4 DINING ROOM living room ana kitchen furniture wanted In sets or odd nieces Howard urnilure Co River 4189 EXCHANGE YOUR OLD URNITURE for new we will make you a liberal allow ece 'Phone River 7854 URNITURE HOUSEHOLD AND OICE furniture antiques feather beds best prices paid New England urniture Co 583 585 Main St Walnut 1514 Largest In Western Massachusetts HOUSEHOLD AND OICE furniture want ed highest cash prices paid Kimball Second Hand urniture Store 47 53 Main St Wal J178 I PAY' CASH for rags papers etc y'ill send for family trade William Hall 129 Cedar St River 2847 OLD LETTERS maileo betora 1870 are wanted for the stamps and postmarks Atherton 318 Main St Room 61(1 PAPER Also rubber ana scrap met als isher 4 Kumltsky 68 70 Liberty St Telephone River 3210 PAPER STOCK In bundles Will pay 10c more per hundred than anyone else Send card Io Box 401 or Tel TOOLS Carpenters' masons ano machin tools Deane Jr 18o Dwight WE PAY' CASH OR DIAMONDS PLATI NUM AND GOLD REDERICK'S 303'A MAIN ST ASPHALT SHINGLES AND ROLL ROOING The Burden Bryant 109 111 Lyman St ARTIICIAL LUMBER Wall board for In terior finishing clean light and conven ient to handle: easy to apply The Burden Bryant Co 109 111 Lyman St BRICK lumber doors and windows of every description at low prices Springfield Wrecking Co 62 Osgood St Wal 990 BUILDINGS wrecked Building material every description ftr sale Bricks doors and windows etc Lon prices 4ass Wrecking Co 161 Lyman St Walnut 3670 CEMENT irst class: passed all official tests: Immediate delivery 2 Boston Road Ludlow Mass CEMENT BLOCKS at yard or delivered any quantity Immediate delivery 22c de livered In city machine made perfect 481 Main St Indian Orchard Tel CHAMBERLIN mtal weather strip guaran teed for tile of building no cloth or felt 25 Harrison Ave River 6952 STORM SASH AND Ail sizes fur nlshed promptly Winter has just com menced and you will need them very soon Wm Bent Inc 73 Dwight St Tel 1366 Watches Diamonds Jewelry 27 BUT THE WEDDING RING At Man 200 Worthington St STANDARD RAILROAD Re UCed prices 200 Worthington WEDDING All styles plain or en graved 14kt and 18kt gold ind all colors $5 up Chase 562 Main WATCHMAKER engraver Jeweler Watch es clocks and Jewelry repaired Watches diamonds Jewell for sale Grimes Bookstore Bldg 389 Main St Horses Vehicles 37 The Ira Johnson Horse Co heavy draft and matched pair a specialty 14 16 Emery St River 272 HORSES resh carload just arrived rost West Springfield Mass 81C3 MORRIS AUCTIONEER Livestock farm sale and apeclaltles Holyoke HOLYOKE 2880 Radio Sets and Equipment 25 Vi Kellogg Dccremcter type 11 plates $450 11 plate vernier $675 23 plate $550: 23 plate vernier $775 Just the thing for a wavemeter or filter very high grade strongly made Carlisle Hard ware company LIGHTNING Brach $250 Ja cobui $175 Teleradio $125 all passed by hoard of ire Underwriters Carlisle Hardware company 326 Main St LOUD SPEAKERS Mercury $10: Master Baldwin $15 Music Master $30 Barney Radin Co 35 New Dwight St (just off State) Open 9 a to 9 River' 1207 RADIO Use the for your radio sets get prices etc The Elec trie Co 753 Main St W'al 312b Optometrists and Dentists 41 ARTIICIAL TEETH Also other branches of dental work Dr 283 Chestnut St Tel 2121 WHEN YOUR EYES OR YOUR GLASSES trouble vou see A Nlcolet Room 214 uller Bldg 317 Main St Women Wanted COOKS AND GENERAL housework girls wanted right away Employment Bureau Walnut 2431 COOK Wanted at once reliable experienced cook Call 151 Maple St YValnut 4o GIRL or woman for general housework In Protestant family Kindly state age and wages expected Box 167 Republican Of flee GIRL WANTED for general housework 3 adults in family Box 201) Renub office GERMAN GIRL WANTED for general housework knowledge of the English lan guaee not essential Call River 04 or evenings Walnut 2233 HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Na tion wide demand for high salaried execu past experience unnecessary we you by mall and put you in touch with bis opportunities everywhere Write at once for particulars Lewis ing Schools Ds 18 Washington STENOGRAPHER With knowledge of book keeping $60 per month with board room and laundry State Sanatorium YY'est field Mass THE NEWELL EMP SERV Bookkeeper billing clerk 104 State St WANTED Experienced seamstress Apply at once 137 State St Tel 4018 WOMAN WANTED Competent woman for general housework references Call 140 Atwater Ter Tel Walnut 917 Egga Poultry and Supplies 3B ALL KINDS live poultry wanted The high est prices paid Will send truck anywoere Small Chicopee alls Tel 293 OUR 1924 STOCK ot chicks will bq Just as sturdy as ever The Kerr Chickerles Inc West Springfield THE OIIX1WING ESSENTIAL should be fed with HEN CHOW and CHOYVDER oat straw as a litter hard sharp grit and oyster shells George Methe Co 493 Worthington St Tel River 866 WANTED All kinds live poultry Highest prices Superman 48 Thomas 7986 Honsts and Nurserymen 3 CYCLAMEN BEGONIAS ERNS and other house plants fresh cut carnations Muel ler's Greenhouse 49 Greene St Walnut PLANTS and fresh cut flowers for New We specialize In floral designs for all occasions Wenk's Garden 128 Han co*ck St Walnut 4724 Musical Instruments 28 DRUM Ludwig and Leedy com plete $20 up: lessons at our studio by expert Instructor Music House i Cor State and Main Sts upstairs: terms GOOD VIOLIN bow and case $1350 some less some more: 300 all sizes Edw Kinney 242 Worthington St GUARANTEED USED PIANOS Ludwig Angelus player and many others Easy terms Gibbs Plano Co 185 Dwight St PJANO Henry Miller mahogany upright Good as new will sell at a bargaln Address Box 725 Republican Office BICH TONED UKULELE $650 CALL RIVER 4499 SHERRINGTON COURT 11 Mrs Grace Snow Is winner showing Hood an UPR1GHD STEINWAY In excellent condition very reasonable River 1751 WE ARE closing out our stock of Pianos Grands and Uprights at very low prices Select one for Christmas We can save you from $50 to $100 on any piano In stock Cash or monthly payments Tay Music House Room 201 145 State St Big Educational Service.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.