Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (2024)

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Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles are the perfect fall breakfast.

These waffles are easy to make from scratch and the perfect way to celebrate the fall season.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (1)

We love to make breakfast for dinner and these Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles are my go-to waffle recipe during the fall season.

Of course, it’s also fun to wake up on Saturday morning and make some of these waffles too.

I don’t know what it is but it just makes me feel like I’ve won the day when I can get up early enough to make breakfast for my family.

How do you make Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles?

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (2)

I love these waffles topped with warm maple syrup and butter. I feel like I’m eating dessert for breakfast. I decided to add chocolate chips too, I did white chocolate chips but you can do either.

It just gives the waffles an added layer of sweetness. When we make these we use a Belgian waffle maker so they do make large waffles, typically 1/2 of one is more than enough.

That means the nutrition values do vary with these based on the size of waffles you make.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (3)

How do you make Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Waffles?

It’s all about the flour, a simple switch of flour. I prefer to use Better Batter Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour for these, it’s a simple 1:1 switch.

I do write menu plans for Better Batter, but after using their product for over 6 years, I can tell you that it is the BEST! I use it nearly every single day and have for many years. I’ve also tried several others too and this one works with everything, literally every recipe.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (4)

How should you serve Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles?

These are best served with maple syrup, a little bit of butter, and a sprinkle of powdered sugar. If you prefer not to have any additional sugar, a sprinkle of cinnamon is just as nice.

I also like mine with coffee, that’s a must on a crisp, fall morning.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (5)

Created by: Kristy Still

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles

Servings 8

Make delicious Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles that are also gluten-free.

Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 10 minutes mins

Total Time 20 minutes mins


  • 1 2/3 Cup Milk
  • 1/2 Cup of Oil
  • 2 Tbsp Water
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 Cup Canned Pumpkin
  • 2 Cups of Flour or Gluten Free All Purpose Flour
  • 2 Tbsp of Brown Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Baking Powder
  • 2 Tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
  • 1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips


  • Preheat the waffle iron.

  • Combine all ingredients in order in a large mixing bowl.

  • Spray the waffle iron with non-stick cooking spray and add about a cup of batter on it or enough to fill the iron and then finish as instructed with the waffle iron you are using.

  • Repeat these steps, spraying each time until all batter has been used.

  • Serve with butter and maple syrup.


Nutritional amounts will vary based on the amount you make and the size.


Serving: 1g | Calories: 414kcal | Carbohydrates: 51g | Protein: 9g | Fat: 20g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 15g | Cholesterol: 51mg | Sodium: 232mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 10g

did you make this recipe?

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Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (6)

Reader Interactions

    Comments & Reviews

  1. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (7)Cindy Gordon says

    Let’s be honest, you had me at pumpkin! I just adore this time of year because I love pumpkin everything! Yes, I am one of those people! I can’t get enough! I know my family will love this recipe! Giving it a whirl!


  2. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (8)Dee says

    Now these look really good! I am a big fan of pumpkin and I get excited when all these new pumpkin dishes come out every year. I am going to have to try this one out myself.


  3. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (9)Echo says

    Well, you had me at waffles and then, you hooked me in with pumpkin and chocolate chips! These look so incredible. I can’t wait to try them.


  4. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (10)Emily says

    Ahhh, I need to make these ASAP! And I know I have all the ingredients in my pantry 😀 Thanks for linking up with Merry Monday – I can’t wait to try your waffle recipe!


    • Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (11)Kristy says

      Thank you for hosting!


  5. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (12)Sahana says

    Looks delicious. Thank you for sharing with us at #HomeMattersParty .We would love to see you again next week.


  6. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (13)Erica says

    Yum! These look so good. Thanks for sharing to Mix it up Monday.


  7. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (14)Adree | The Keele Deal says

    Yum! These waffles sound so good! They are getting added to the menu for this Saturday!! Can’t wait to try them!


  8. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (15)Carol@BlueskyatHome says

    Kristy, thank you for sharing at Happiness is Homemade Link Party. They look delicious made any time. I’m sharing on my Monday Memo newsletter as one of my favorite features.


  9. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (16)Kels says

    0 flavor I was skeptical when it didn’t call for any sugar


Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Waffles (2024)
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