A Brief Explanation Of This Poison SRS Guardian Build In Path Of Exile 3.23 (2024)

  • These 3 Top AOE Builds In POE 3.24 Necropolis Will Help You Clear Everything Effortlessly!

    As POE 3.24 is gradually coming to an end, here we want to talk about the 3 most worthwhile big AOE builds to try in Necropolis League. If you like to wander around the map and challenge some powerful bosses, then these builds must be what you are looking for. Without further ado, let’s get straight to it!

    Ultimate Sweep Slayer

    The first build we chose is Ultimate Sweep Slayer with Duelist class. Unlike many minor hits like Cyclone, Sweep will deal some big hits and create a huge Area of ​​Effect.

    To understand the advantages of this build, I will start with the boss damage. Sweep really has the killing power and can kill Guardians by just spinning your sword four or five times. I promise you, this will even make you feel like a boss.

    Not only that, this build also has excellent clear speed because of the huge Area of ​​Effect that almost covers the entire screen.

    For the cons, I’ll start with its survivability. Since you need to stay still and close to the enemy to successfully apply skills, this puts you in a vulnerable position. Therefore, I recommend that you always stay a few levels higher than the map you are on and invest in your survivability.

    As for the budget, this build is completely affordable. You only need about 90 Chaos Orbs to destroy the endgame in the early game. But if you want to advance to Yellow Maps easily, investing in Chaos Orbs is necessary. Eventually, to finish our Atlas effortlessly, you also need to invest about 6 Divine Orbs.

    For the clear speed of this build, it must be worth 9 points. You can use a huge Area of ​​Effect to perform devastating blows. I only deducted one point because you need to stand still to attack and the attack speed is not the best.

    Its boss damage is completely incredible and deserves a full 10 points. Even if you only attack a few times per second, they are powerful. Like I said before, they will kill Guardians in less than five attacks.

    For its survivability, I would give it 8 points. This build has many layers of defense, such as Permanent Fortify, Evasion and Spell Suppression. You still need to be careful though, as you are always standing still while attacking, which puts you in a vulnerable position.

    Archmage Ice Nova Hierophant

    Next up, we have the powerful Archmage Ice Nova Hierophant with Templar class. This build works by stacking as much mana as possible and utilizing Archmage Support to convert up to 19% of your mana into additional lightning damage.

    The skill we chose is Transfigured Gem Ice Nova of Frostbolts, which deals more damage when close to Frostbolts. To increase the efficiency of our attacks, we use Kitava’s Thirst Helmet to automatically cast Frostbolts for us.

    To understand the strengths of this build, we'll start with its boss damage. There are countless Ice Nova stacked on Frostbolts here that will cause the boss to die like a simple monster.

    Not only that, but its clear speed is also impressive. With Frostblink of Wintry Blast, we can move across the map quickly while casting Ice Nova in all directions for huge AOE damage.

    Now coming to the downsides, I will start by saying that this build is relatively expensive and you need to invest in at least 10 Divine Orbs to make it work. Another problem is that you must have extra mana in all your gear, which can make the gearing process a bit difficult.

    To complete this build, there are two mandatory unique items that you need to prioritize acquiring.

    The first one is Kitava's Thirst Helmet. When you cast at least 100 mana at a time, it triggers Transfigured Gem, which makes Frostbolts that need to be cast automatically cast, greatly speeding up the clearing.

    Next, we also need Anathema Ring. In this case, it makes our curse limit the same as our maximum Power Charge.

    For the clear speed of the build, it is undoubtedly full marks. Its extraordinary movement speed is accompanied by Ice Nova that is always everywhere, so that you can’t see the enemies before they are eliminated.

    The damage it does to bosses is also amazing, with overlapping Ice Nova casts on countless Frostbolts, the boss doesn't even have a chance to survive for more than two seconds.

    For its survivability, I would give it 9 out of 10. Not only does it have a strong health pool and energy shield, but the unique mechanics of this build ensure that 50% of the damage is absorbed by mana before affecting our health pool.

    As you know, we have a lot of manas in this build, and we also hit the enemy so many times per second that instant leech will make your health full almost 100% of the time.

    Cyclone Of Tumult Slayer

    Finally, we have this amazing Cyclone of Tumult Slayer with Dualist class in the first place.

    Since Affliction league brought Transfigured Gem, an alternative version of Active Skill Gems, Cyclone Skill gained Cyclone of Tumult. This resulted in Cyclone’s Area of ​​Effect being wider and more powerful while also being much slower.

    However, we can eliminate this disadvantage with a simple trick, just have a Cyclone with 33% more damage and 40% more AOE.

    For the pros of this build, I will start with the clear speed. It is always moving and can easily cut down all the low-level enemies on the way. Not only that, its boss damage is incredible. Once the build is completed, we can even kill the big boss in a few seconds. On top of that, this build is very simple and easy to assemble.

    Now to the cons, I will point out some important issues that you should pay close attention to.

    As mentioned before, this build has great survivability once it is completed, but you need to control the progress reasonably when you level up your character because you are always very close to the enemy. If you are not prepared, you will be killed by the enemy in one shot. So before entering the high-level content, it may be a good idea to spend some time to upgrade a few more levels.

    Another useful tip about improving your survivability is how to deal with stuns in this build. You can get Stun Immunity on the closer Jewel, but not everyone can afford it right away. If that’s your case, you can also go for Evasion Mastery, which, after using it, makes it impossible to be stunned if you haven’t been hit recently.

    For this build, you only need one mandatory unique item, which is Stampede Boots. This ensures that your movement speed is always 150% of its base, which means that the drawback of Cyclone of Tumult is meaningless to us.

    For clear speed, we would give it 9 out of 10. Cyclone moves constantly while accompanied by a huge Area of ​​Effect, so you can always farm your map without wasting time stopping to cast spells or doing things like that.

    Its boss damage is just amazing and definitely worth 10 points. Once this build is complete, you will easily achieve over 15 million DPS, which is more than enough to destroy everything in a few seconds.

    Now, for its survivability, I would give it 9 out of 10. This build achieves over 100,000 Effective HP because of multiple layers of defense and a lot of instant life leech. Now with the huge AOE bonus from Cyclone of Tumult, you don’t even need to get close to the enemy at the end of the game, which will give you more survivability.

    That’s all for this guide. What do you think about these AOE builds? Are there any better options that didn’t appear on this list? Have a great day everyone.

  • A Deep Dive Into Witch Class Gameplay In Path Of Exile 2

    Greetings, Exiles! I’m sure you all have received the sad news recently that Path of Exile 2 closed beta, originally scheduled for June 7, 2024, has been postponed, with the developers stating that it will be released “towards the end” in 2024.

    However, this also means that we have more time to prepare for a better gaming experience when we enter POE 2. In this guide, we will reveal the gameplay of Witch. So, Witch main players, please don’t miss this guide.

    Minion Mechanics

    In Path of Exile 2, you can play as Witch, Mistress of Death and Decay, commanding your hordes of the undead and launching attacks on enemies.

    Most classes have access to some kind of minions, but if you want to control an army, Witch may be the ideal class choice for you.

    In POE 2, most minions do not need to be summoned manually. Celebrant Sceptre gives the player a couple of free warriors, as well as another resource called Spirit, which you can use to acquire any minions you want. You can see this Spirit Bar above the mana.

    On the skills screen, you can choose the composition of your army and choose between the various minion variants available. Since this is a level-two area, we can only afford one more minion. However, when minions die, they are automatically resurrected as long as no other minions have died recently. So, before your next battle, all your minions will be resurrected.

    You can also command your minions with a dedicated button, telling them to move to a specific location, attack a specific enemy, or even open a chest or portal for you.

    We also have temporary minions. Besides this, many minions have command skills that depend on the type of minion you summoned.


    Next, let’s talk about the spells available to Witch class.


    First up is Unearth, which creates some bone constructs if it kills a monster or hits the corpse of a monster. They can’t take many hits and have a limited lifespan, but you can build a proper army with them.


    I also use some debuffs with monsters when my minions attack. The first one we can use here is Contagion. If a monster dies with Contagion, it spreads to nearby enemies. And with each spread, the damage increases. So it’s a good idea to try to keep the infection going.

    If any corpse is infected when you summon minions, then the minions will also be infected. Every time they hit an enemy, they will continue to infect the enemy. So it’s great to have an army of infected hordes of the undead.

    Essence Drain

    We can also use another chaos debuff called Essence Drain. This effect has a higher degen on a single target. If the monster is also infected with Contagion, then Essence Drain will spread as well, which can turn into a real disaster.

    Bone Storm

    I can use a channeling skill like Bone Storm, which creates a devastating burst of sharp spikes. Note that the longer you channel this skill, the more damage it will cause.

    Pain Offering

    We also have a skill called Pain Offering. These skills allow you to pierce one of your skeletons with a big spike of bone to buff all of your other minions. It makes all of our other minions faster and do more damage.

    Profane Ritual

    After a battle, we usually have some extra corpses that we don’t want to waste. Profane Ritual can generate Power Charge by consuming corpses, which can buff some of my other spells. If we use it to summon Zombies, we can create more powerful super Zombies that don’t even need corpses to summon them.

    We can also use Power Charge to channel Bone Storm. If I do this, it adds a devastating AoE.

    Minion Types

    Finally, it’s time to focus on the types of minions that Witch can summon.


    The first one that comes to mind must be Zombies, which are extremely tanky minions. Although they require corpses to summon and won’t resurrect if they die, they are quite tough and can increase the number of your minions.

    What’s more, many minions also have command skills. You can command them to deploy Gas Cloud Arrow on the battlefield to deal some sustained damage.

    Skeletal Arsonist

    In addition, we can summon Skeletal Arsonists, who can throw small Fire Grenades. Besides this, they have a command skill that can detonate your minions with low health. When you see the red indicator, use this skill and the minion will explode.

    These bone constructs are especially good because they expire quickly, anyway. So, you can go and farm this area’s boss, Carrion Crone, with all the tools you find to earn a good amount of POE Currency.

    Storm Mages

    That’s the type of minions you can get in the level two area. But let’s see what the higher level minion gameplay is like.

    In a level 30 area, besides still having our trusty warriors, there are many types of minions to choose from, such as Brutes for stunning or Ice Mages for freezing, most of which come with their own special abilities or command skills.

    You can also stun enemies by using multiple Storm Mages: a Cleric to heal and revive my minions, and Reavers for high damage. You can also enrage them before the fight to slowly kill them, but Cleric should be able to keep enemies alive while my minions attack.

    Storm Mages has a useful skill if a lot of your minions die. He can summon a Lightning Storm to hit the location of each Dead Skeleton in your army.

    Monster Corpse

    In POE 2, even non-boss monsters can be very devastating, such as Faridun Impaler. It has a wide variety of abilities and is difficult to defeat. But maybe we can make better use of its corpse.

    By using Bind Spectre gems, we can take the corpse of any enemy and capture its spirit so that I can use it as a minion. Any monster can be captured, but the spirit cost depends on how powerful the monster is.

    Such a powerful enemy requires a lot of spirit, so I have to summon a lot of other minions, but it does seem worth it. If Spectre dies like other minions, it will respawn after a short time.

    All in all, Witch in Path of Exile 2 seems to have received some amazing quality of life updates to cater to her unique play style. Her various minion mechanics and gameplay will bring a lot of fun to the game. Even for those who don’t like minion builds, the diverse gameplay of Witch class will make you shine!

  • Is This Yaomac’s Accord Unique Sceptre Still Worth Trying In POE 3.24 And Beyond?

    Here we’ll talk about a unique item that wasn’t used often in POE 3.24, Yaomac’s Accord. We’ll take a look at its unique mechanics and how it will interact with other aspects of the game, perhaps giving you some new ideas for creating your builds.

    Yaomac’s Accord

    Yaomac’s Accord is the first weapon to appear in the series so far. This unique sceptre was added as part of Ultimatum mechanic in Ultimatum league, but it wasn’t until POE 3.19, five leagues later, when Trialmaster’s fight entered the core through Tower of Ordeals Map that it became available again.

    Then in Affliction League, Ultimatum mechanic finally entered the core, and Trialmaster and all his exclusive loot were reunited with Ultimatum. With the retirement of Tower of Ordeals Map, Yaomac’s Accord dropped exclusively from Trialmaster’s fight itself. According to crowdsourced data, it has a drop rate of about 10%.

    Vaal Skill Mechanics Explained

    Now, before we discuss the modifiers of this item, we want to note that this POE item has a high synergy with Vaal Skill. So let’s first quickly go over what Vaal Skill consists of. For example, Vaal Arc is Vaal version of Arc spell, accessible through Corrupted Arc Skill, which will grant both the normal Arc spell and its Vaal version without having to consume mana or health.

    Using a Vaal Skill requires Souls, and the number of Souls is specific to each different Vaal Skill. By default, we can gain Souls by killing enemies or damaging rare and unique enemies. You can gain one Soul after killing a normal enemy. Then, when damaging a rare or unique enemy, you gain one or six Souls (one for rare enemies, six for unique enemies) for every 2% of health lost.

    But this Soul gain has an internal cooldown of 1 second per monster, and Soul will be randomly added to Vaal Skill counter on the character.

    For example, if you only have one Vaal Skill, Soul will always recharge that Skill, but if you have two or more Vaal Skills, Soul will randomly select a Vaal Skill to recharge.

    Once you have enough Souls, your Vaal Skill will glow red to indicate that it can be used. When you use a Vaal Skill, the character will enter Soul and gain Prevention effect, which prevents the character from gaining Souls for a period.

    The duration of Prevention varies for different Vaal Skills, but if the character has multiple Vaal Skills equipped, the duration of Prevention gained by Soul will always be based on Vaal Skill used to trigger Prevention effect of that Soul.


    Next, let’s look at the modifiers on Yaomac’s Accord.

    Increase Critical Strike Chance

    Vaal Skills increase your Critical Strike Chance by 80%-120% for the duration of the effect being applied. So this item is all about getting the most out of your Vaal Skills.

    Even though using 80% to 120% damage increase isn’t as much as the damage increase you get on a crafted weapon, it’s still a big part of this stat, and it’s also universal, so it can be used with any Vaal skill that deals damage.

    Soul Gain Prevention

    Next, we also have: 6%-8% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration.

    To be honest, modifiers about Soul Gain Prevention are extremely rare. Since there’s good reason to think Soul Gain Prevention is a barrier that prevents Vaal Skills from being used more often, a modifier specifically reducing Soul Gain Prevention could be very useful for this.

    This is because a Vaal Skill with a modifiable duration also has a Skill Gem. The fact states that modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to Soul Gain Prevention for this Skill. This means that when you combine a reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration with a reduced Skill Effect Duration, you can significantly reduce the duration of Soul Gain Prevention, or even potentially remove it entirely.

    Soul Catcher unique Flask provides a 10% reduction in Soul Gain Prevention Duration for a Vaal Skill. This also scales with Flask effect while it’s active.

    Also available is Triumvirate Authority, a unique Unset Ring that greatly boosts Vaal Skill in the socket. This ring rolls three or four random modifiers from a unique pool depending on whether the item was obtained from a normal Atziri or Uber Atziri encounter. These modifiers include 150% more damage from Socketed Vaal Skill, which is great for Lightning damage.

    There’s also Hits from Socketed Vaal Skills ignore Enemy Monster Resistances, which is a powerful modifier. In the list of modifiers it can roll, Socketed Vaal Skill reduces Soul Gain Prevention Duration by 30% by combining it with Soul Catcher, with a maximum roll of 8%.

    I should caution you, though, that if your Soul Gain Prevention is reduced by 100% or very close to it, you might consider taking Duration Mastery specifically for the 10% increase in Skill Effect Duration. Since this Mastery barely affects your Soul Gain Prevention when it’s at or near zero, it still increases the duration of Vaal skills.

    Shepherd Of Souls

    Another notable modifier is Shepherd of Souls. Right now it functions basically like a Keystone, and the effects don’t stack. Even if you dual-wield Yaomac’s Accord Sceptre, you can only benefit from this modifier once.

    Shepherd of Souls reduces Soul cost of your Non-Aura Vaal Skills by 80%, but increases their Soul cost by 100% for every Vaal skill you’ve used in the last 8 seconds.

    So mastering Shepherd of Souls mechanic allows for the type of top-tier build we dream of, allowing you to somewhat abuse your Vaal skill of choice.

    Gain Charges

    The last modifier for Yaomac’s Accord is the one we skipped over earlier, Gain an Endurance Charges, Frenzy and Power Charges.

    This means you gain one of each charge every time you use a Vaal skill. And since the charge duration refreshes as you gain new charges, as long as you use your Vaal skills regularly, this modifier will allow you to maintain maximum Frenzy and Power Charges until you run into a monster that will remove your charges.

    Why Is It So Desolate?

    Despite this, Yaomac’s Accord is almost completely unused as a unique item. So far, only four characters have used it in all leagues in Necropolis, throughout the duration of the league.

    So why isn’t it used more often? It’s all because Yaomac’s Accord only fits a very niche build archetype that is specialized and tailored to Vaal skills used, and requires a lot of very specific gear.

    However, this doesn’t mean that Yaomac’s Accord is a bad unique item. As long as you pair it with the right items or mechanics, it can definitely be the key to a strong build!

  • Breaking Down The Underrated Unique In Path Of Exile 3.24 - Brine Crown

    Here I’m going to talk about the under-used unique item in Path of Exile, Brine Crown, and talk about how it works and interacts better with other items in the game, especially with the recently added Ascendancies and new unique items.

    Brine Crown is a unique item introduced by POE Kalandra League, and synergizes well with both Melding of the Flesh and Aegis Aurora.

    To be honest, this unique helmet hasn’t been used very well in a few seasons. While it may not be a particularly interesting item overall, it has a lot of great stats that will definitely make it more frequently used in POE 3.24 and beyond!

    Brine Crown

    Although it’s only used by less than 25 characters in Necropolis League, many players don’t consider it a forgotten unique, perhaps because the item doesn’t have any super interesting modifiers, but is just a solid unique item.

    Brine Crown is a core drop unique item. According to crowdsourced drop data for POE 3.23 Affliction League, this item appears to be a Tier 1 Unique, so you won’t see too many of these outside of high-end Magic Finds.


    Let’s take a look at the modifiers on Brine Crown: Increased Armor and Energy Shield by 240% to 300%.

    Armor & Energy Shield

    You’ll immediately notice that this item has unusually high Armor and Energy Shield for a helmet, especially considering it’s a Hybrid Base with a good modifier roll and 30% quality.

    Besides the excellent base, Armor on this helmet can almost go over 1,100, and Energy Shield can go up to about 160, which can greatly increase your survivability.

    Additionally, it has quite a bit of defense, which is exactly the theme of Brine Crown. It’s a completely defense-focused unique item, and it has a lot of advantages in defense.

    Max Life

    Besides the massive Armor and Energy Shield, there is a really nice life roll here, which is an increase of 80 to 100 max life.

    In fact, GGG often talks about creating new unique items that are both powerful and interesting. Sometimes they do something new that we haven’t seen before, but usually these items have no life modifiers at all, however Brine Crown is not one of them.

    Max Cold Resistance

    It then also increases the maximum cold resistance by 3%. This modifier was actually only added to the item in POE 3.19 League patch. It replaces the 5% cold damage reduction modifier that Brine Crown previously had, plus the 3% max cold resistance is a great modifier in itself.

    Cannot Be Frozen

    Next up is there Cannot be Frozen modifier, which is another very useful stat. Ironically, this modifier may save you from using Soul of the Brine King Pantheon Power, which gives you a 100% chance of avoiding being frozen. Once you upgrade it, you can use a different primary Pantheon Power.

    Given the potential use cases for Aegis Aurora mentioned earlier, you might be using Tempest Shield to boost your spell blocking. In this case, you’re already immune to Freeze and Shock, but you can use Betrayal Boost modifier to address Chill issue.

    Chilled Ground

    The last Brine Crown modifier of note is: 15% chance to create Chilled Ground when Hit with an Attack. This is a fairly unreliable modifier, I have to say, mostly because it’s thematic, but it will provide some defense against melee monsters when triggered, slowing their action speed by at least 10%.

    It’s also worth mentioning that Chill inflicted on monsters by Chilled Ground is never considered being inflicted by the character, meaning that even if you use Secrets of Suffering, Leadership’s Price, or other mechanics that prevent you from inflicting Chill, you can technically chill a monster with Chilled Ground created by Brine Crown.

    Melding Of The Flesh & Aegis Aurora

    Surprisingly, Brine Crown has become much more useful thanks to the presence of Melding of the Flesh. This Unique Jewel makes your elemental resistances capped by your highest elemental resistance, allowing you to scale a single maximum elemental resistance to increase your defense against all incoming elemental damage.

    Also, this is a good time to introduce Brine Crown’s best friend, Aegis Aurora. This unique shield pairs perfectly with Brine Crown and Melding of the Flesh, and provides another 5% of maximum cold resistance. When combined with Brine Crown, this gives you 4% of maximum elemental resistance and -4% of maximum resistance.

    You can also continue to scale your maximum cold resistance with something like Purity of Ice or Eldritch Gloves Implicit modifier.

    But the synergy doesn’t stop there. Because Aegis Aurora also provides a decent amount of Armor and Energy Shield, and it will enable both of these stats through its unique modifier, Recover Energy Shield equal to 2% of Armor when you Block.

    Additionally, Brine Crown and Aegis Aurora provide a foundation for armored characters, and their investment in blocking makes your Energy Shield a more powerful defensive layer, especially in the face of incoming blows, where you’ll be blocking more frequently and thus restoring a large amount of Energy Shield.

    This combination is especially powerful for Necromancers using Mistress of Sacrifice Ascendancy. Because these setups enable meaningful attack and spell blocking for a fairly negligible investment in POE Currency, and you get a lot of restoration from Aegis Aurora.

    You may also consider Glancing Blows, a keystone that lets you take 65% more block damage but doubles your chance to block attacks and spells.

    Overall, Glancing Blows will let you take more damage, but it will also make Aegis Aurora’s recovery more consistent, which is especially useful in mapping environments.

    One thing that should be noted about the max resistance modifier of Brine Crown and its use with Melding of the Flesh is that Brine Crown does not provide any actual resistance stats. This is a slight drawback that will put more pressure on your other equipment slots.

    Why Is It Forgotten?

    As I mentioned before, Brine Crown is used by less than 25 characters in Necropolis League. So why isn’t it picked up more often?

    Honestly, I really don’t have anything bad to say about this unique item, the real reason it isn’t used too much is that there are modifiers or other unique items that must be used on the helmet, which simply can’t be replaced in certain builds. And the loss of these stats means the loss of an aura or a significant drop in physical damage reduction.

    There’s also the fact that this helmet does not have any spell suppression, nor any evasion, so it will also prevent you from using Evasion Mastery to get 15% spell suppression.

    But honestly, Brine Crown is still a significant item, especially when paired with Melding of the Flesh and Aegis Aurora, so I will never be surprised to see more builds using this item in the future!

  • How Does This High-Budget Crit Arc Totems Hierophant Build Perform In POE 3.24?

    Hello fellow exiles, here I want to show my Crit Arc Totems Hierophant build. What’s really cool is that it’s built entirely with rare gear items! Of course, many of the items in this guide can be used until the mid-game, when better items will be available.

    Therefore, maybe this guide is more suitable for players with a higher POE Currency budget. If you are looking for a top-level build with strong crit damage, don’t miss this guide. Without further ado, let’s jump right in!

    Why Soul Mantle Doesn’t Work With This Build?

    First of all, I have to say that I didn’t use Soul Mantle on this build. You may be wondering why I didn’t use Soul Mantle this time.

    While Soul Mantle is a great unique skill that provides pseudo-7-link and powerful corruption, adding a ton of damage, Arc is neither a projectile nor an AoE skill, so Corrupted Implicit Mods like +2 to level of Socketed Projectile or AoE Gems do not benefit Arc.

    Additionally, Soul Mantle Unique Body Armour no longer has +1 max Summoned Totems, so this will also nerf the effectiveness of Arc Totems.


    So, this also brings us to the question: how do we deal with enough damage using only rare items?

    In addition to stacking crit chance and crit multiplier, we also get a portion of our damage from Arcane Cloak buff. It costs a lot of manas and increases lightning damage based on 15% of mana cost. Therefore, getting mana on most of our gears is very important.

    The rest of the damage comes from Wrath Aura, Lightning Penetration Support, Exposure, and Charges. I cleared everything except tier 17 and the uber boss with this build.

    During my run, I took on Feared at 70% quantity. Died a few times, but overall, the fight wasn’t bad. One time was because of a Shaper slam while my Flame Dash was on cooldown. Just keep summoning Totem, moving around, and occasionally throwing Wave of Conviction traps to cause Exposure.

    It’s important to note that as of POE 3.24, instant skills are no longer tied to the left click. Therefore, we have to link Arcane Cloak to the new support gem, Automation, so that it triggers automatically after activation.


    For defense, you will always have at least four Endurance Charges and Power Charges, and have Conviction of Power Ascendancy, which reduces the physical damage you take, increases your Elemental Resistance, and increases your critical strike chance.

    You can also restore 1% of life per second for each summoned totem through Ritual of Awakening. So this build has the high health of Templar tree and a strong defensive advantage of being able to use a shield.

    I ran a lot of 8-mod maps with this build to farm Harvest and Expedition. It’s not the best build for this strategy, but the clearing is still very satisfying.

    I felt very safe because everything died very quickly and had no problems running in maps with multiple dangerous mods like Increased Crit, Vulnerability and Increased AoE.

    Even though my defense only consisted of Mind Over Matter, 100% Spell Suppression and some Block, I could stay away from monsters because of Totem playstyle, which really improved our survivability.

    My only concern was Fire, Rock and Projectiles thrown by Cannibals, which blocked me off the screen many times while mapping.

    Arc Totem vs Shockwave Totem vs Storm Burst Totem

    In terms of clear speed, I think Arc Totem is on par with Shockwave Totem. Even though Storm Burst Totem doesn’t clear very well, it has a very good clear speed.

    As for single target damage, Shockwave Totem and Storm Burst Totem are the clear winners. Arc Totem doesn’t even come close. You can get 3 times the damage of Arc Totem with the same budget. So, if you want to farm Uber bosses, either go to Shockwave Totem or Storm Burst Totem.

    But to be honest, Arc Totem and Storm Burst Totem are easier to build because they require less unique items. Storm Burst Totem requires some league specific unique items, so it’s not very suitable as a league starter.

    Gear & Mods

    Finally, I have to say that upgrading with this Arc Totem build is a breeze. Because it doesn’t require mandatory items. You just need to take the time to grab any Sceptre or Wand with the highest spell or lightning damage and slowly upgrade the weapon once you reach the map.

    You can totally look for these mods when you make your next upgrade. The most important mod for your shield is +1 to maximum number of Totems. I also highly recommend getting +1 to Level of Lightning Spell Skill Gems.

    For the rest of your gear, look for the following mods: Life, Mana, Resistances, Dexterity and Chance to Suppress Spell Damage. Note that Dexterity is important because it helps limit the spell suppression we have because of Magebane Keystone. Of course, you can also try installing some cast speed or damage mods on your Jewellery to get more damage.

    That’s it for this complete guide to Crit Arc Totems Hierophant build made entirely with rare items. Whether you’re new to totem builds or a seasoned player looking for a powerful setup, Arc Totems Hierophant is a pleasant choice for you in POE 3.24.

  • How To Better Build Poison Penance Brand In Path Of Exile 3.24?

    Hello everyone, welcome to this guide. This version of Penance Brand has hits and elements and can deal with a lot of single target damage. If you really like challenging players with Uber bossing and hand-to-hand combat, you will definitely like this. I’ll cover how to use this in this guide.

    Before starting, you can expand the scope of your adventure by obtaining POE Currency, and you can also craft and strengthen your equipment to take your gaming experience to the next level.

    How To Inflict Poison?

    First, let me introduce how to inflict poisons. The reason I want to mention this first is that Original Sin is the most expensive item in the entire build. Even if you may not be interested in participating in the building yourself, don’t rush away. You can also learn a thing or two about the other mechanics in POE 3.24.

    Original Sin will convert all our elemental damage into chaos damage. These two types of damage are the only types of damage that can cause natural poisoning. In this version, we can use Herald Of Agony, Skill Tree and Tattoos to get the chance of poison. And different levels of poison damage can be built from gem links, large cluster joules, weapons, but the major source is stacking double explicit corrupted magic adorning jewels. Considering that your goal is to get 8% chaos damage on magic adorn jewels, it is very important that you get an effective magic adorn jewel.

    Scaling Hit Damage

    Because the more hit points provided by peninsula dissipation will greatly increase your build ability and will also allow you to reach the limit quickly. Never try to jump out of or block the spell’s first damage. Because Pattern Spawn is a kind of physical damage, and it is fixed physical damage in magic adorn jewel.

    But because of Original Sin, this physical damage is of no use to us. To solve this problem, gloves can be used to convert physical damage into cold damage. At least 50% of it will be converted into cold damage, and the other 50% will be converted into lightning damage by the jewel. Another thing to note is that this build can use hatred as its major hit damaging aura and hatred will bring more cold damage to our body. This damage will accumulate with the level of the gem.

    We can become a level 21 hatred through “+1 TO LEVEL OF ALL SPELL SKILL GEMS” button in the game. Or insert a gem with two prefix models into a helmet or gloves, which can further increase head damage by oscillating the scepter’s own elemental overload keystone implicit. This keystone will be 40% more elemental damaged than the bill’s hit damage.

    Defensive Layers

    I’ll break down the defensive layers in this build into five parts. Physical take into elemental conversion, spell suppression, 90% all max resistance, critical immunity, recovery and life recovery.

    Physical Take Into Elemental Conversion

    Converting physical damage to elemental damage allows us to ignore the role of implementing armor and provide more defense in other defensive layers. This can be obtained from lightning coil, helmet prefix craf, and the remaining 10% can be obtained from chaos mastery in the tree. Keep in mind that this defense will become ineffective over time and additional defenses must be acquired through other means.

    Spell Suppression

    Spell suppression is easy to understand, which is why it is so popular among players. It can halve the spell attacks received, which is very useful, especially when facing BOSS whose highest attack is spell attack.

    90% All Maximum Resistance

    This works when combined with the first offensive layer I mentioned. Maximum resistance is capped at 90%, which not only indicates taking most of the elemental damage. It also applies to physical damage taken. This method of absorbing physical damage is much better than reducing physical damage, since armor can only withstand larger hits if your armor level is higher than the damage taken. This simply notifies damage as a percentage of the maximum resistance you have. We can reach 90% of all max resistance from the following, using Flesh Melt along with 23+ Purity. There is also an elemental flask that adds flask effects both explicitly and implicitly, with enchantments paired with the primary blood.

    This works best when combined with the first defensive layer I just mentioned. 90% All maximum resistance is not only used for physical damage but also for spell damage. Compared with reducing physical damage mentioned before, this kind of direct absorption of physical damage will be much better. Because only if your armor level is higher than the damage you take, your armor can withstand greater attacks. In combat, we can use the melting of the flesh alongside a level 23+purity to achieve 90% All max resistance.

    Critical Immunity

    It is very necessary to have critical immunity in battle, especially if you are preparing to cultivate T7 or Uber bossing. Both T7 and Uber bossing will make you take particularly bad damage, but there are two ways to gain critical immunity.

    The first method is simple. When you main poison, you can deal damage to enemies you poison, but this requires you to trade the poison and deal damage 20% faster. The second one requires you to take 50% less critical hit bonus damage, Corruption Hidden in Lightning Coil, and the famous Temple of Thought, which gives you an extra 30% bonus damage reduction, with the remaining 20% being gained from the tattoo. It all depends on whether you want the extra damage.

    Recovery And Life Recovery

    This is the defensive layer that can make you feel you are truly “immortal”. When jewelry is perfectly combined with the tree alongside the fines of destiny, you’ll find that it will not only protect you from smaller heads but also allow your own heads to recover quickly.

    Besides the above, there are some other defensive layers that can be used to build houses and so on. Waiting for your novel exploration!


    Most of the construction speed comes from stacking large cluster jewelry. This is because stacking large cluster jewelry will bring us indescribably powerful chaos damage. In this version, note that we need four jewelry, and be aware of Wicked Powell and dark radiation alongside an unspeakable gift while searching.

    Based on the above guide, I believe you have a great understanding of the construction of Poison Penance Brand of Dissipation Pathfinder. What I’m talking about may be part of the game’s combat. The rest needs to be explored on your own! Happy gaming!

  • A Brief Explanation Of This Poison SRS Guardian Build In Path Of Exile 3.23 (2024)
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